Umbrella Shield

Description :

   Umbrella Shield is pre-packed two component powder and liquid polymer, consists of processed cements and special fillers that can be applied on well prepared sound substrates to provide extremely tough, durable waterproof render. 2-3 mm thick for water tanks, basements etc.
    -Easy to use waterproofing coating.
    -Excellent adhesion flexibility.
    -Allow surfaces to breath.
    -Economical and cost effective waterproofing system.

Consistency Colour

Brushable consistency Grey

Application Temperature

10*C to 40*C



Adhesion to Concrete



    Packing&Dosage:10 Kg powder and 5 Ltr Liquid (10+5 Pack). Coverageis 8 m2 to 10 m2. 2 to 3 coats are recommended.

   Application- Surface Preparation: All leaks and water jets must be stopped. The prepared surface must be thoroughly wetted with water for absorption and excess water to be removed. Umbrella shield must be applied in 2-3 uniform coats. Umbrella Shield should be mixed thoroughly mechanical mix till consistency mix achieved. It will remain brushable till 20 minutes @ 35*C. Mixing in small quantities is recommended. For moderate and heavy load area minimum 2 mm thickness coating is recommended.


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Umbrella Shield